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MotoGP: No place for Rossi at Renault F1 - Flavio Briatore

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Khatir Soltani
From GMM

Renault Formula 1 Team boss Flavio Briatore says he would not offer MotoGP star rider Valentino Rossi a formula one race seat.

"I would not give him a car," fellow Italian Briatore confirmed to the newspaper Il Riformista.

Rossi, 29, flirted seriously with a switch from MotoGP to F1 with Ferrari a few years ago.

Recently, after another Ferrari test to celebrate his latest title, he left the door open to racing in formula one after he retires from motorcycles, perhaps in 2011.

Briatore said: "He belongs to the world of bikes. There, he is without an equal, and some say that without him MotoGP would not be half of what it is."

Briatore, however, confessed that Rossi's flamboyant personality would be "very good" for formula one.

"He appeals to everyone, as a rock star does."
Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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