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New York City roads suck!

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Mathieu St-Pierre
I've travelled to New York City on nearly a dozen occasions over the last decade and every time I set foot in this town, I always get pumped and wish that I had the accent to go with the attitude that New Yorkers are so famous for.

Other than the occasional funky smell coming from the sewers, this city has everything. EVERYTHING! And that includes terrible roads.

Eureka! Montreal and Quebec are not the only places on this Continent that consider minefields roads and streets. At the intersection of 8th and 37th, a quasi-crater the size of a Yellow Escape Hybrid was swallowing up cabs and cars alike.

In a 3 minute period, as we walked from one corner to the other, before entering the Houndstooth Pub for dinner, I counted no fewer than 8 vehicles whacking their undercarriage on the edges of the pothole while countless others came to a near standstill as they cautiously entered the unnatural depression in the road.

What's odd is that New York seems to be in a perpetual state of construction and repair. Take a 10 minute walk and you'll see what I mean. Have they unknowingly hired the same company that has been doing crappy road work in Montreal?

Regardless, I'm very fond of this city and the fact that it has potholes galore only makes me love it more as it reminds me of my beloved Montreal. Ah, New York...
Mathieu St-Pierre
Mathieu St-Pierre
Automotive expert