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Paris mounts a crusade against guzzlers and polluters

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Marc-André Hallé
Europe has a thing for fuel-efficient vehicles given the high price of pavement real estate in that part of the world, and apparently Paris is looking to be the first major city in the world to ban gas guzzlers.

The French Minister of the Environment has chosen six urban areas, including Paris, to test a pilot project banning fuel-inefficient vehicles in a bid to reduce toxic emissions. As a result, SUVs, sport sedans and ageing, diesel-powered cars will no longer be authorized in the selected areas.

Denis Baupin, Deputy Mayor of the city of Paris, commented on RTL radio, hinting at facts that some people still haven’t grasped. “I’m sorry, but having a sport utility vehicle in a city doesn’t make sense,” he said, suggesting hat Parisian SUV drivers replace their vehicle with a mode of transport compatible with city life.

The details of the project and its restrictions are still being debated in order to establish its limits. Other than the French capital, the initiative will also be launched in Lyon, Grenoble and Aix-en-Provence.

Similar measures already exist in London to reduce traffic, forcing drivers of polluting vehicles wishing to enter the city to pay the equivalent of 13 Canadian dollars to have access to the downtown area during weekday business hours.

Source: Green Car Reports via Detroit Free Press

Marc-André Hallé
Marc-André Hallé
Automotive expert