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Rally: Lotus won't allow Raikkonen to race rally Finland

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Khatir Soltani
Lotus F1 team manager Eric Boullier said his team won’t allow Kimi Raikkonen to race rally Finland in August.

Few days ago, the Finn told he had the will to race rally Finland, having competed the World Rally Championship the last two seasons. But his team Lotus F1, with which he just set two podium finishes in a row, refused to let him rallying, still shocked by the serious accident of his former number one driver Robert Kubica during a rally in Italy in February last year.

"I sat down with Kimi earlier today and we talked about it," said Lotus F1 team manager Eric Boullier. "His contract does not allow him to go rallying and, after what happened with Robert, this team could not let him do it. He fully understands the situation, so the matter is now closed."

F1 Kimi Raikkonen
Kimi Raikkonen is wearing a special helmet for this Monaco weekend. (Photo: WRi2)

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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