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Springtime body and interior maintenance and cleaning

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Justin Pritchard
Spring's coming, finally- but there are still a few weeks left of the winter blahs. Your car's got them too: it's covered in salt on the outside, sand on the inside, and probably feeling a little neglected.

Winter takes a wicked toll on your vehicle. Inside, hockey bags and skates leave moisture and odor to settle into fabrics. That spilled coffee stain will become permanent if it's not taken care of, and the corrosive mixture of sand and salt in your footwells will do a nasty number on the carpeting if not attended to.

Salty snow can be devastating for the exterior but also for the interior of your car.

It might look hopeless- but the fix is fairly simple. Consider renting the carpet steam cleaner from your favorite grocery store and ask for the upholstery cleaning attachment. This will allow you to deep-clean the carpets and upholstery inside your vehicle, removing sand and salt in the process. If this stuff stays behind and remains to be ground into the carpeting, it will prematurely wear it out. The steam cleaner can also be used to remove stains from seating areas- just be sure to let them dry completely before driving.

It will soon be warm enough to wash the family car in your driveway- but remember that it's not okay to wash your car with dish soap! Car finishes, like your skin, require a gentle cleaner to take away grime and leave behind protection.

Your car's paint has protective finishes built in- and it's probably covered with remnants of its last coat of wax. Dish-soap strips these things from your paint like bacon-grease from a frying-pan, so it's damaging to your vehicles finish. Remember that protecting the paint also protects the sheet-metal underneath it.

That's important, as your paint takes plenty of abuse over the winter. We've all been stuck behind a plow-truck as it dumps heaping chunks of salt all over the roadway, often times chipping away at the front of your machine. A paint sealant, or at least a coat of wax, is a good idea to maintain a barrier that keeps your vehicle's finish protected from such damage. This should, at minimum, be applied once a year.

Don't have the time or elbow grease to do a full wax job yourself? Check the car-care isle at your favorite auto store on your next visit and look for a quick-detailer or wax spray. Products are available that can be misted over the damp vehicle after washing, and then wiped off as you dry- leaving behind a protective and water-repellant coating. It's cheating, yes- but better than nothing!

If your car needs attention now, or you haven't got the time or inclination to perform a full-out spring cleaning yourself, check the yellow pages. A local detail shop would be happy to do the work for you.

Any part or system of a vehicle that isn't cared for isn't going to last. The same goes for paint, carpeting and upholstery. Taking care of these areas can pay- as a vehicle that has a clean interior and top-notch paint will have a higher resale value than one which doesn't. A clean and shiny vehicle can help make traveling more enjoyable, too.

It is not okay to wash your car with Palmolive. Use the appropriate products.

photo:Justin Pritchard, Jupiter Images
Justin Pritchard
Justin Pritchard
Automotive expert