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SUV or minivan? Things to consider for a smart choice

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Marc-André Hallé
There comes a certain time when most consumers face the inevitable: upgrade to a larger vehicle that will cater to their new family's needs, including a functional yet comfortable environment and lots of room to easily fit strollers, day bags and other life essentials.

Consequently, many are torn between a minivan or SUV. They don't want to make an ill-advised choice that could/will haunt them for years. I'm not talking about the reaction from your brother-in-law, who believes only monsters drive a Dodge Grand Caravan or Toyota Sienna, but rather the day-to-day value and practicality of the vehicle.

If you're one of these people, hopefully the following will help you steer in the right direction.

Photos: Matthieu Lambert/

The basics
Of course, it all starts with basic considerations such as pricing, fuel economy, reliability, styling and performance (do you really need AWD?). By reading expert vehicle reviews from and other automotive media, you should be able to collect precious information.

Age and number of kids
The younger your kids are, the more large items (playpen, stroller, teeter-totter, etc.) you will have to haul. Space requirements for new parents will remain significantly higher at least until their children reach the age of two.

Possible expansion
If you plan your next vehicle purchase with a single kid in mind, a conventional SUV is definitely a viable option. With two or three, this can still be the case, but you will probably need to install a cargo system on the roof (around $1,000) depending on the size of the vehicle you're considering and the length of family trips you'll be making. Otherwise, a minivan represents your best bet.

Active or passive lifestyle?
Are you the type of stay-at-home folks who prefer to host friends than to visit them? With an SUV, no problem. However, if you're always on the go, splitting time between the campground, the cottage and some remote family resort, or if your children play sports, chances are a minivan will prove more convenient.

Don't be afraid!
Once all of the above has been carefully analyzed and you've narrowed down the list of potential candidates, it's time to go to a dealer. Bring your stroller, child seats and any other item that you will use on a regular basis in order to see for yourself if a particular model can accommodate all of them and more.

You can repeat this exercise with your neighbours or colleagues who own a minivan or SUV that fits your criteria. Check with your local rental company as well.

In the end, don't be afraid of other people's judgement by thinking outside the box and trying new things. It's YOUR money, and once your new acquisition sits in your driveway, it's too late to go back.
Marc-André Hallé
Marc-André Hallé
Automotive expert