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The Definition of Sport

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Khatir Soltani
I'll admit it. I have Olympic Fever! Ever since I was a little girl, living in a home equipped with only rabbit ears, I have always enjoyed watching the Olympic Games: both Winter and Summer editions! This year has been particularly exciting for me since my hometown of Vancouver is currently playing host to the whole world. I support any individual who has discovered their talent and passionately pursues it-- and I think every Olympic athlete qualifies!

But in the midst of all the excitement, I started to think about the sheer definition of sport. It seems that 'sport' is an organic entity, open to revision. New sports are constantly considered and added to the Olympic roster. I confess, some sports, like the newly added “Ski Cross,” seem like natural additions. Other sports in the Olympic circuit strike me as slightly tougher to fully grasp. Don't get me wrong, I am so proud of Jon Montgomery for his achievement! But Skeleton, in general, is a little bit of a mystery to me-- I don't completely understand its roots or how it came to be an Olympic sport. It certainly does not mean that I don't respect it-- I do! Watching a special segment on CTV, where Olympic Champion John shows, friend of The Auto123 Show and former F1 Champion, Jacques Villeneuve, how to do the Skeleton was very compelling indeed!

Arguably, that's where my questions arose. If Skeleton is an Olympic sport, if Luge is an Olympic sport, if Biathlon is an Olympic sport, if Ballroom Dancing is an Olympic Sport... then why aren't any motorsports considered?! I, for one, would absolutely LOVE to see Rallying considered an Olympic Sport! And what about Freestyle Motocross Riding? Oh, I could go on! The training, the adrenaline, the focus-- it's what the definition of sport is to me! Shall I start the petition now? ;)

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada