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The Necessary Chronicle (Part Two)

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Khatir Soltani
I will end with a little anecdote.

Last week, I went to Ford dealership to try the new Ford Escape hybrid. As usual, I went there as an average customer. And, as usual, the salesman didn't have a clue how his hybrid vehicle worked.

Bur here is the best part. He offered me to try it on the road, so I accepted and we went for a 20-minute ride. I noticed, after a little while, that the electric engine never worked so I asked if something was wrong. He didn't know and even asked me if I was sure. Since I had been explaining to him how his truck was working, he didn't argue much, and when we got back to the dealership, he found out that it hadn't been prepared yet and therefore the hybrid system was not in function. Had I not known about the subject, we would have driven this truck thinking how great it was, like two clueless joes.

I really appreciate your comments and must tell you that, although I am new at this, your reaction tells me that the interest is there. Is there anything more encouraging for an environmentalist like me than that?

I would like to finish this on a more serious note. The December 25th tsunami has been a disaster of historic proportions. Since my sister was on vacation there, our family had a few sweats, but we were some of the lucky ones. On the other hand, for thousands of others, it's only the beginning of a long nightmare.

So, if you feel like giving a hand, I invite you to drive slower for a month, or more, or to take the bus a couple of times. You will then have saved some money that could be sent to them. It won't cost you anything more than a little time.Plus you will make the road safer and the planet a little greener.

I wish you a green and happy new year.
Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada