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Abandoned Cars in Fukushima's Radioactive Zone

Abandoned cars in Fukushima, Japan | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)
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Daniel Rufiange
A new video shows large numbers of vehicles abandoned 12 years ago and still sitting in place
Abandoned cars - Japan Fukushima | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)

•    A video shows a host of Japanese cars, SUVs and vans abandoned in the radioactive zone of Fukushima.

•    The models are actually radioactive and will eventually have to be destroyed.

•    Recall that the nuclear disaster was set off by a huge earthquake 12 years ago.

The nuclear tragedy that befell Fukushima, Japan dates back a dozen years now. Recall that the disaster was set off by a massive earthquake in the region, the largest record quake to hit Japan in its history. 

The event forced the creation of an exclusion zone set up around the nuclear power plant. The size of the zone has since been reduced, but many areas are still filled with vehicles abandoned in the initial evacuation of citizens after the earthquake, before the nuclear spill. Many residents have never been able to return to pick up their personal and essential belongings, and in some cases their cars. 

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More abandoned cars in Fukushima, Japan
More abandoned cars in Fukushima, Japan | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)

A new video has been posted on a YouTube channel that trades in showing remote or abandoned places on the planet. This video focused on vehicles, which drew our interest of course. While some vehicles have in recent years been scooped up and moved to specific areas to be processed, some incredible classics have been left to their fate. 

For instance, we see a silver Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII, almost hidden in tall grass. There are also several Kei cars, sedans, delivery trucks and older-generation cars like an old Datsun, still flying racing colours. 

These vehicles will never recovered, mainly because of radiation levels. A radiation check in the video shows a reading of 0.45 microsievert from the race car, not too high a level compared to normal, but too high for the model to be exported.

The problem is the radiation penetrates metal, so vehicles like that continue to pose a health risk. Chemical reactions can also damage the bodywork, affect the colour, etc. In short, these vehicles are scrap. 

Abandoned Porsche in Fukushima, Japan
Abandoned Porsche in Fukushima, Japan | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)

It’s sad to see this fate befall cars like the Subaru WRX, the Nissan Skyline R32 and the 300ZX we see, slowly rotting in the elements. The Porsche 911 Carrera covered in dirt is another one to cause some pangs among car lovers. 

The clip lasts 16 minutes.

Abandoned van in Fukushima, Japan
Abandoned van in Fukushima, Japan | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)
Abandoned wagon in Fukushima, Japan
Abandoned wagon in Fukushima, Japan | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)
Abandoned Datsun in Fukushima, Japan
Abandoned Datsun in Fukushima, Japan | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)
Abandoned SUV in Fukushima, Japan
Abandoned SUV in Fukushima, Japan | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)
Abandoned cars in Fukushima, Japan, from above
Abandoned cars in Fukushima, Japan, from above | Photo: YouTube (Exploring the Unbeaten Path)
Daniel Rufiange
Daniel Rufiange
Automotive expert
  • Over 17 years' experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 75 test drives in the past year
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