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WRC: Sébastien Loeb receives the 'Légion d'honneur'

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Khatir Soltani
From Citroën Press release

Sébastien Loeb was awarded a knighthood, receiving the ‘Légion d’honneur’ at the Elysée Palace in Paris from Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of the French Republic.

The ‘Légion d'honneur’ is the highest award that can be given to any private individual in France, instituted after the French Revolution. It recognizes outstanding achievement from French citizens in any branch of the country’s activity, leaving aside social or hereditary factors.

The ‘Legion d’honneur’ award ceremony took place at the Elysée Palace in Paris, where Sébastien Loeb was given his knighthood.

Surrounded by his family, close friends and PSA Group senior management, the five-time World Rally Champion was warmly congratulated by Nicolas Sarkozy.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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