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WRC: Sebastien Loeb's boss willing to let him race F1

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Khatir Soltani
From GMM

The boss of multiple champion Sebastien Loeb's world rally team has said he will not prevent the 35-year-old from making his formula one debut later this year.

Although Toro Rosso is unlikely to disturb its new rookie lineup of Jamie Alguersuari alongside Sebastien Buemi, it is still rumoured that Loeb wants minimally to make a one-off appearance in the Ferrari powered car in November's season finale.

"If someone makes a proposal to Sebastien, Citroen Racing will authorise him for the Abu Dhabi grand prix since the rally season will be over at that date," the Frenchman's boss Olivier Quensel told the AFP news agency.

Quensel however doubted that Loeb, who would have won the weekend's Rally Australia if not for a post-event penalty, is set to make a full time switch to F1.

"Both parties wish to remain married," he insisted. "I am not a gambling man but I bet Loeb will still be a rally driver next year."

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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