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2007 BMW Alpina B7 Road Test

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Kevin ''Crash'' Corrigan
With its supercharged 4.4L 32-valve V8, and a very clever throttle setup which basically works in two stages, the power comes on silky smooth, and then simply pulls like a demented freight train.

Of course, due credit must be given to Alpina's alterations to the software that controls the six-speed ZF auto-box, which many in the industry are calling "the greatest automatic transmission ever". When coupled to the F1 style paddle shifters built into the steering wheel, the car becomes more than a fast car; it borders on the realm of a rocket ship!

The Alpina B7 offers everything you would expect from a $152k car.

I am not exaggerating here: Honestly, to sit in a two-ton four-door sedan that can accelerate this quickly is almost unbelievable. The surrounding countryside rushes up on you like someone has sped the film up, and yet, there you are in sitting in the absolute height of luxury.

When I say luxury, I mean precisely that. This vehicle has all the features that you would expect from BMW's top-of-the-line 7-Series, plus several distinct ones which Alpina has added, including a tasteful metal ID plaque to constantly remind you of what you're driving. As if you needed that!

My test vehicle also carried the Alpina Myrtle high gloss wood trim which is available as a no-charge option. Possibly the best way I could describe this in words would be "interior woodwork by Chippendale". I would actually go as far as to say that it is perhaps the best wood interior that I have ever experienced. This coming from a man who was born in the land of Rolls-Royce, and who owns and older Bentley himself!

Of course, like most other BMWs, it also carries their famous iDrive command gizmo, which I must be honest with you... I dislike with a passion!

After fiddling with it for a few minutes trying to find my favorite radio station, I realized that if I didn't pull over, I was going to be purchasing a new front end for a $152k automobile.

I also played with the GPS navigation system, which lasted briefly until I came to the conclusion that I didn't truly care where I was driving anyway!

That is the amazing thing about the Alpina B7. It obviously has all the creature comforts that BMW has to offer. Yet somehow the real thrill of this vehicle is how it makes you feel whilst driving it.

I literally could go on and on raving about this vehicle, but alas, that would mean less time driving it. So I will end on one simple statement... Every motoring enthusiast should experience a car like this at least once in their lives, and I truly hope that each and every one of you gets that opportunity someday!

P.S. If you happen to bump into anyone from BMW, please don't remind them that I have this car.

Need I say it... Phenomenal performance!

Interior storage compartments too small
Centre console is almost halved by the GPS disc container


Do you really want me to start on about that iDrive system again?
photo:Kevin Corrigan
2007 BMW 7 Series Alpina B7
bmw 7-series 2007
2007 BMW 7 Series Alpina B7
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