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F1: Extensive aerodynamic tests for team Williams (+photos)

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Khatir Soltani
The AT&T Williams Formula 1 team performed some pretty advanced aerodynamic tests during the first day of the 2010 F1 Young Driver tests at Yas Marina circuit in Abu Dhabi.

British driver Dean Stoneman, the reigning champion of the new Formula 2 series, was behind the wheel of the Cosworth-powered Williams.

Photo: Williams F1 Team

The FW32 was fitted with two impressive rails of horizontal pitot tubes that enable the team to record the speed of the flow of air as it is diverted by the front wings and the front tires.

The series of pitot tubes allows the engineers to record the speed of the flow of air at several locations,.

This is the last chance the teams have to gather crucial data to finalise the design of some of the aero components of their 2011 challengers.

Photo: Williams F1 Team

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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