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F1: Jean Todt and the FIA

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Khatir Soltani
From GMM

The FIA has made obsolete the position of a formula one veteran. Under the new presidency of Jean Todt, Canadian Pat Behar will no longer be the photographer's delegate for the governing body.

Finland's Turun Sanomat said the removal of the role, to instead be handled by the individual organisers of each grand prix, is due to cost cutting.

Meanwhile, Jean Todt says he has no intention of trying to emulate Max Mosley in retaining the FIA presidency for many years.

"I will stay for only one office (term), it's crazy to think Mosley was there for 16 years," the 63-year-old is quoted as saying by Italy's La Gazzetta dello Sport.

"I have other things I want to do and life is too short," added Todt, whose term will end in late 2013.

He also commented on Flavio Briatore, saying he was convinced of his guilt in fixing the 2008 Singapore grand prix.

Briatore, banned for life from motor racing by the FIA's World Motor Sport Council under the former presidency of Max Mosley, recently won a French legal bid to have the sanction declared illegal and overturned. But the FIA new president insists that Briatore remains guilty.

"Proof? The facts were so obvious that someone (Pat Symonds) apologised," Todt told Italy's La Gazzetta dello Sport. "At the World Council, there was only one vote against the penalty," he revealed.

The loophole that allowed Briatore to overturn his ban is that senior team personnel do not actually hold FIA licenses, meaning the governing body does not have the ability to revoke them.

"We shall return to the issue, especially on the matter of licenses, so that all teams managers have to hold them," Todt confirmed.

He added that the Paris court only invalidated the Briatore verdict due to the "procedural" technicalities.

Nelson Piquet, also involved in the scandal, is now working on a deal to go to Le Mans with a GT2 Ferrari. His next outing will be in the NASCAR Truck Series.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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