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2004 Porsche 911 Carrera 2 Tiptronic Road Test

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Khatir Soltani
I can't say I'm a big fan of the base car, as its tactile quality inside is pretty substandard compared to anything else in

The base 911's tactile quality inside is pretty substandard compared to anything else in this class. (Photo: Trevor Hofmann, Canadian Auto Press)
this class. But it's a good idea for Porsche to remind us about this fact, just before bringing out its 2005 model that has been reported to be an amazing improvement in this respect. Currently it's a monotone affair that hardly inspires any artistic leanings, with clearly identifiable, down to business gauges. A telescopic steering wheel is provided, allowing a better driver's, but I was disappointed there was no tilt option. I had to be satisfied being able to raise the driver's seat so that the steering wheel was where I like it, but then I felt a little out of place with the pedals. That driver's seat, however, is fabulous, holding the

Thanks in part to Porsche's awe-inspiring stability control system, there are few cars that can out corner the 911. (Photo: Trevor Hofmann, Canadian Auto Press)
back and buttocks in place during aggressive side-to-side slalom testing. And just how Porsche will improve on the current car's handling dynamics I can't imagine. Yes, there are cars available that will out corner a 911, but there aren't many. The C2 is superb in this respect, managing twisting curves at high speed with absolute confidence thanks in part to a low centre of gravity, a lightweight fully-independent aluminum suspension, and Porsche's awe-inspiring stability control system, dubbed PSM for Porsche Stability Management. The latter dials in just enough throttle-induced oversteer to make the sports car fun in corners but not anywhere near enough to bring its tail around - the bane of early 911s.
Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada