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Death of legendary racecar maker John Crosslé

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Khatir Soltani
John Crosslé, who founded the Crosslé Car Company in Holywood, Co Down, in 1957, has sadly died.

Crosslé was born in Scotland but came to Northern Ireland when he was just a few months old and stayed to found the longest surviving custom racing car company in the world.

By the mid 1960s, the Crosslé Car Company was providing up-and-coming stars such as John Watson, Brian Cullen and Ken Fildes with Formula 2 cars.

However, Crosslé’s greatest success was in the 1600cc Formula Ford class. Starting with the 16F in 1968, by 1975 Crosslé had a world-beater on his hands with the 30F.

Several top competitors drove Crosslé Formula Ford cars such as Nigel Mansell, Eddie Jordan and John Watson.

From there more than 1000 cars were designed, constructed and sold by Crosslé, mainly Formula Fords but also the S group of sports racing cars.

John Crosslé will be missed but not forgotten.

Nigel Mansell, Crosslé 32F Formula Ford
Nigel Mansell, Crosslé 32F Formula Ford (Photo: Crosslé Archives)

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
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