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Eat For The Trip

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Justin Pritchard
Justin: What about eating habits- for instance, the timing of eating a meal before or during a drive?

Dr. Strong: You'll be in a seated, sedentary position-- so few calories will be exerted. Therefore, small snacks every 3 hours or so are ideal to maintain normal blood-sugar levels.

Plan ahead and pack your food in a cooler, as opposed to being stuck with fast-food. Planning meals and snacks ahead of time allows people to more easily make healthy choices. Plus, your snacks are available to you at all times without waiting.

Lastly, don't hold back on the fluids. It may be tempting to drink less on the road to reduce bathroom stops, but it's important to be hydrated in order to remain alert and avoid headaches.

Hunger pains can often be 'thirst pains'-- so before you reach for the snack, take a drink of water and wait a few minutes to see if that satisfies you.

Justin: I worked late last night and had trouble sleeping. I’m pretty sure I’ll be tired for my trip. Should I stock up on those fancy energy drinks to help keep me awake?

Dr. Strong: The main ingredient in those drinks is the caffeine. Is it 'healthier' than a coffee? Typically not by much. You may need a little extra caffeine, but more important is maintaining mental health. Make more frequent stops where you can stretch and walk around, try to keep blood sugar levels normal, and stay stimulated with some upbeat music or comedy CDs.

Justin: I can barely drive by a Timmies without stopping to perk up on delicious coffee. Is this ok?

Dr. Strong: Occasionally, but coffee is a diuretic-- so you may find yourself stopping more often, and feeling dehydrated. Coffee also inhibits B-vitamin absorption, which is needed for energy levels and digestion. You may feel yourself needing more and more coffee to keep you alert instead as you build a tolerance to the caffeine, too. In the long run, coffee is not a good solution to drowsiness.

Dr. Jennifer Strong, BSc, ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor and owner of the Harmony Health & Wellness Centre in Windsor, Ontario.

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Justin Pritchard
Justin Pritchard
Automotive expert