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Alex Law

Car companies like to talk about a change in the way cars operate as being transparent (or invisible) to consumers, since they are notoriously unwilling to settle for anything that requires even a little extra effort or cost. So the companies will twist themselves into knots to turn out fuel cell cars that operate and behave exactly like today's vehicles.

Other than the way they behave, fuel cell vehicles of the 2010s and 2020s will absolutely change most of the rest of the auto industry.

For example, all of the equipment and services designed to make, maintain and massage the internal combustion engine will be obsolete. Gone. Car shapes will be open to total review since many of the packaging concerns of today's vehicles will no longer be valid. And as revolutions always do, great companies will fall and companies we may not even exist will rise to take their place.

This may look like an unbelievable future through the windshields of the millions and millions of vehicles on the road today, but through the windshield of that clattery-rattly HydroGen1 you can almost see it on the horizon.

Alex Law
Alex Law
Automotive expert