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Shopicar in Financing and Acquisition Mode

Félix Morissette and Philippe Desjardins of Shopicar | Photo: Shopicar
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Khatir Soltani
This online used car buying platform has been gaining ground across Quebec for a year

Courtesy AutoMedia.

Last year, Shopicar launched its online used car buying platform in the middle of a pandemic. In 2021, the tool gained ground throughout Quebec, and it now offers financing requests, vehicle purchase directly from consumers and delivery or pickup of the vehicle directly in the customer's yard.

Adapted to the expectations of today's customers
“We are very proud to offer Quebec consumers an immersive online vehicle shopping experience in both English and French," says Philippe Desjardins, the company's president and general manager. The customer then benefits from a 7-day and/or 500 km return guarantee. Desjardins explains, “It's the best test drive on the market: instead of trying the car for 15 minutes, customers use it to go to the grocery store, take the kids to school or go skiing on the weekend, which allows them to really try out their new vehicle!"

Shopicar's mission is to restore consumer confidence in the used car buying process by committing to transparency and quality above all else. Says Desjardins, “Unfortunately, due to a history of questionable practices and lack of transparency, our industry does not have a very good reputation. This is a perception we want to change, with a business model and culture that focuses on customer satisfaction and longevity.

The arrival of Philippe Desjardins at the head of the platform also translates into other new developments within the Laval-based SME. This is particularly true in the area of procurement. In order to offer a wider range of vehicles to consumers who store online, Shopicar is in acquisition mode. A first transaction was carried out on July 1st of last year with the purchase of Auto Desjardins, says the manager. Philippe is from the family at the head of the Desjardins dealership, which operates in the Capitale-Nationale and Montreal areas. Philippe is the third generation involved in the business., 100% online, shop for your next car, buy online and get it delivered to you anywhere in Quebec!

The support of investors
Philippe Desjardins is counting on Shopicar's momentum continuing in 2022. “The company is currently in financing mode in order to expand the team, increase our inventory and services, as well as promote the platform across the province,” he says.
Strength in numbers
Finally, proud to have in its hands a fully bilingual tool, developed to meet the needs of the province’s dealers who want to expand their market to the four corners of the territory, the Shopicar team hopes to expand its network of partners and triple its growth in 2022.
Master at home
“We want to continue to build our market share in Quebec. Before the foreign competition does. Also, we will continue to offer consumers a pleasant and 100-percent transparent shopping experience. We will continue to meticulously verify each vehicle we post on our platform in order to consolidate the bond of trust between us and consumers.”

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada