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Why use a car insurance comparison service?

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Khatir Soltani
Why use a car insurance comparison service?

All motorists must be insured. To do this, we need to find an insurance company and give them all the information they need to insure our vehicle. Except that not all insurers are equal and several criteria make the premium different from one company to another. Ideally, you should therefore contact several insurers to see which one offers the best coverage at the lowest price. If you don't want to waste a whole day talking to several insurers, using a car insurance comparison service will definitely save you time and money. 

What does the comparator do?

A car insurance comparator in France is an online tool that allows users to compare the different car insurance offers provided by different insurance companies in France. By using a car insurance comparison tool, users can quickly and easily find the offer that best suits their needs and budget.

To use a car insurance comparison service, users must first enter information such as their model, make and year of production of their vehicle. They must also provide information about their profile, such as their age, location and insurance history. Using this information, the comparator can calculate the different insurance rates offered to future policyholders.

In general, car insurance comparison websites in France offer users the possibility to compare offers from several insurance companies at the same time. This allows them to quickly and easily see the differences in price and coverage between the offers they receive and thus be able to choose the one that best suits their needs. 

There are many car insurance comparison sites in France. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, some comparators offer a wide choice of insurance companies while others focus on a limited number. Some comparators will even offer additional tools such as insurance premium calculators or tips on how to choose the best car insurance for your needs. 

It is important to note that the results of a UK car insurance comparison website may not always be accurate. Insurance rates can vary depending on many factors such as where you live, your driving history and the number of accidents you have had in the past

Car insurance
Car insurance | Photo: Auto123

Factors that affect auto insurance rates
The coverage you want is the first factor that will affect the price of your car insurance. The deductible you select also affects what you pay for your auto insurance policy. You will have a lower bill with a higher deductible, and vice versa.

Here are some of the other main factors that affect auto insurance quotes:
- Driving history: Drivers who have violations and at-fault accidents on their driving record pay more. On the other hand, drivers who have never been in an accident can receive several         discounts. 
- Location: cities and densely populated areas have higher accident and theft rates. Rates can also vary significantly by zip code.
- Age: Teenagers and drivers under 25 generally pay more for their auto insurance.
- Vehicle: Sports cars, luxury vehicles and cars with high theft rates are more expensive to insure.
- Marital status: Married drivers generally pay less for insurance.
- Education: Your college degree can, in some cases, help lower your premium. 
- Gender: Your gender can affect the amount you pay for auto insurance coverage.

Does using a comparison tool really help us lower our premium?

If you've ever had to get car insurance quotes, no one wants to, or has the time to, spend several hours on the phone answering questions asked by insurance companies. Moreover, by filling out only one form, your request will be sent to several insurance companies at once. What is the benefit to the user? To have the best offer on the market for your condition very quickly. 

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada