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1992-2002 Dodge Viper Pre-Owned

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Justin Pritchard
Most Dodge Viper owners aren't interested too much in docile driving. This is a capable track or drag-strip car, at least on paper. In reality, such former use on a used model may result in problems. The differential could become separated from its bracket, while the power steering rack could become separated from the front frame. A recall and repair kit address these problems. Either situation is caused by cracking which occurs over time- a result of Viper's frame not being quite capable of handling the huge G-Forces it was capable of.

Helping create those G-forces is a set of massive wheels and tires, ranging from 17 to 18 inches in diameter, and classifying for steam-roller width. Be prepared to dish out over $2000 to replace the tires when they wear out.

All the roughness and excess is all part of a charm and mystique surrounding this snake. Get into one, and you'll find an endless list of resources online from other dedicated owners, and a real community-oriented spirit with annual meets, cruises and other events.

Reading up on these forums has turned up a few common tips from Viper owners on how to look for a good used example. A common concern is storage of a used vehicle. Viper is the sort of car that could sit idle for months on end- or possibly longer. This sort of storage is not ideal for the longevity of a vehicle without said vehicle having been properly prepared first. For this reason, a low-mileage unit may not always be a better buy than a higher mileage one.

On most convertibles, some degree of leaking can be expected, and buyers are advised to inspect the carpeting for signs of mildew and moisture. Also, the Viper community is aware of several totaled-and-rebuilt models circulating within the marketplace. Because of this, always check the VIN number to ensure that the model you are considering hasn't been constructed from three wrecked Vipers welded back together.

Thus far, you're probably thinking that the Viper isn't exactly a practical, friendly or cheap-to-run sort of machine. You'd be right. If that's what your after, go buy a Miata, you big sissy.

At the end of the day, this isn't a car about refinement or practicality - but enthusiasts love them for their sheer insanity and super-car status they receive from passers by. If you're one of these enthusiasts, expect to shell out more than $40,000 for an earlier used model.

It's an investment though- and who knows where the Viper's value might wind up in twenty years.

2002 Dodge Viper
dodge viper 2002
2002 Dodge Viper
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Justin Pritchard
Justin Pritchard
Automotive expert