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Controversial Kuraza Concept is Infiniti's New Take on Luxury

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Khatir Soltani

It also offers second and third row doors for unprecedented access to the third row seating area, featuring individual retracting,

A large 406 by 152 mm (16- by 6-inch) vertically oriented central monitor is programmed to display images of nature in its digitally changing seasons. (Photo: Trevor Hofmann, Canadian Auto Press)
lighted, aluminum with wood-inlay strips.

A large 406 by 152 mm (16- by 6-inch) vertically oriented central monitor is programmed to display images of nature in its digitally changing seasons, a modern interpretation of the traditional Japanese "Kakejiku" art form. The system doubles as a practical touch-screen actuated interface, displaying weather and road conditions, as well as other critical driver information.

"We were looking for new ways to add an emotional element to the current information-centric monitors, added Nagano. We

The Kuraza's attention to detail is amazing, a sign of things to come for a brand that has long been appreciated for beautiful design. (Photo: Trevor Hofmann, Canadian Auto Press)
want the images on the monitor to provide a peaceful contemplation area, much like you find in a Japanese home. You can also add images from nature or digitize personal photos for display, anything to make the experience of driving or riding in Kuraza more spiritually rewarding."

Just like the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into Japanese traditional clothing or even the simplest product packaging, the Kuraza's attention to detail is amazing, a sign of things to come for a brand that has long been appreciated for beautiful design, but simultaneously criticized for substandard execution of interior materials.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada