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Motorexpo 07 (Canary Wharf Motor Show Conclusion)

Get the best interest rate
Kevin ''Crash'' Corrigan
If you check out the company's website (, you'll find that its future plans include a Hybrid version which increases the range to 250 kilometers.

That just about brings me to the end of my coverage of Motorexpo 07 for this year.

I have to say that I've enjoyed this event more than any other so far this year. It is a totally unique concept in the world of auto shows, and the organizers should be rightly proud of what they have achieved in London. I have no doubt in my mind that their New York event next year will be equally impressive and my best wishes for that go with them.

As I depart from my native homeland and return home to Canada, I leave with the feeling that my old country is traveling quite well down the "green highway". I was pleased to see that the government over there is setting such a good example, and maybe there are a few lessons for us all to learn from them.

As we all know, Canada quite often follows the ways of Britain, and I hope that some of their ideas might find there way to us someday soon. However, if anyone in our government is reading this...."Please, please, no speed cameras". If you bring those ridiculous things over here I might just have to emigrate again!!!
photo:Kevin Corrigan