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Top 30 Vehicle Models Expected in 2021-2022: The Cars

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Vincent Aubé
Bloodied but unbowed, cars are hanging in there

Ford Fusion Activ

Ford Focus Activ
Ford Focus Activ | Photo: Ford

At the time of writing, it's still too early to tell if Ford will actually move forward with this Subaru Outback-like elevated wagon project in North America. What we do know is that engineers are currently working on a wagon version of the next Fusion (or Mondeo in Europe) and that this variant would be based on the Ford Focus Activ, a car that was planned for the North American continent a few years ago, until that project was abandoned as part of Ford’s major shift away from cars.

Will Ford's strategists change their minds and leave the Ford Mustang as the only car the company sells in North America? Good question. It might be tempting, because this kind of wagon allows Ford to stick to its utility-vehicle strategy while cleverly bringing a car back into its lineup.  

Note: these photos show the current Ford Focus Activ.

Ford Focus Activ, profile
Ford Focus Activ, profile | Photo: Ford
Vincent Aubé
Vincent Aubé
Automotive expert
  • Over 17 years' experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 60 test drives in the past year
  • Participation in over 200 new vehicle launches in the presence of the brand's technical specialists