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Top 17 All-Electric Vehicles in Canada in 2021: More EVs By the Month

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Vincent Aubé
To mark this Earth Day, here are the best electric vehicles to consider this year

Article updated Aug 10, 2022.

See also: Top 8 All-Electric Vehicles in Canada in 2019

See also: Top 10 All-Electric Vehicles in Canada in 2020

See also: Earth Day 2022: Here Are the 10 (Not Too Expensive) Electric SUVs to Consider

This Earth Day, we once again take a look at the electric vehicle options currently available in the Canadian market. Aside from a few models that are almost gone at the time of writing - or some that we all know about - here's a fairly full list of all the most interesting vehicle models that run on electricity.

Obviously, the ideal would be to leave the car at home on this April 22, but for those who have to travel long distances - or simply go to the grocery store - the electric car is more than capable of getting you there without causing an eruption of range anxiety in your passengers… or in yourself, for that matter.

See also: 2021 Hybrid and Electric Car Guide: The Plug-In Hybrids

See also: 2021 Hybrid and Electric Car Guide: The All-Electric Vehicles

One thing’s for sure: the list of vehicles coming under consideration for this kind of Top 10 ranking will be much longer in a year's time, as several new models will be added to their respective manufacturers' offerings by the end of 2021.

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Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model Y

It's impossible to talk about modern-day electric cars without starting with the Tesla brand. And while it's true that the Model S and Model X are the two vehicles that propelled Tesla to international prominence and a seat at the table with the automotive big boys, the Model 3/Model Y tandem has been the one that really drove Tesla sales in most corners of the globe, and within just a few short years.

Yes, it's true that only the standard-autonomy version of the Model 3 is eligible for the federal rebate - the other models of the sedan and the Model Y are not due to their pricing - but still, there's no denying the impact of the California-based automaker on the public's knowledge of and open-mindedness towards electric vehicles. Like him or hate, you have to give Elon Musk his due for that.

Tesla Model 3
Tesla Model 3 | Photo: Tesla
Tesla Model 3, from above
Tesla Model 3, from above | Photo: Tesla
Tesla Model Y
Tesla Model Y | Photo: Tesla
Vincent Aubé
Vincent Aubé
Automotive expert
  • Over 17 years' experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 60 test drives in the past year
  • Participation in over 200 new vehicle launches in the presence of the brand's technical specialists