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Top 10: Queer Cars for the Straight Guy

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Khatir Soltani
Volkswagen Beetle Turbo Cabrio
Volkswagen Beetle Turbo Cabrio
Photo: Volkswagen

The VW Beetle never stood a chance the moment it added a floral arrangement to its dash. Cutesy, charming and appealing to the fairer sex, the Beetle garnered a heavy female following. However, slap a turbo-boosted 2.0L behind the wide-eyed, bulbous bonnet and the Beetle isn’t so sugary-sweet and docile. You’ll need to man up to drive this drop-top the way it’s meant to be driven.
Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada