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2023 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Falls from Lift at Dealership

2023 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 | Photo: YouTube/Jason Grubb
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Daniel Rufiange
As a precaution, some owners are indicating to service technicians exactly where the car needs to be on the lift

•    Another Chevrolet Corvette, this time a new 2023 Z06 version, has fallen from its elevator at the dealership.

In June 2020, we brought you a story about a 2020 Chevrolet Corvette that had been wrecked at a dealership when it fell off a lift in a service bay. 

The new-generation mid-engined Corvette has to be lifted differently, with different anchor points. Clearly, not everyone was aware of this when the model arrived on the market. 

A year later, in 2021, another model suffered the same fate. After two incidents, we thought it was all over, but now another Corvette has been heavily damaged as a result of teetering off its lift. This time, the victim was a new Z06 version, and this time the sequence was captured on video. 


The car was undergoing its pre-delivery inspection. 

The video footage tells the story simply: the car is resting on the lift when it suddenly tips over. The forklift arm snags the bodywork as it passes, causing significant damage. Comparing this with footage of damage to the 2020 version three years ago, we can guess that the other car suffered the same kind of fall, except that part of its side had been ripped off. 

The Corvette Z06 lands on its rear bumper, sustaining further damage in the process.

The footage was shared on YouTube by Jason Grubb. As you'd expect, it provoked a ton of reactions and comments. 

Fortunately, no one was hurt. As for the future owner of this car, they’ll have to be a little more patient before getting their hands on a new Corvette. 

Here’s hoping this third incident will alert those service centre employees charged with lifting a mid-engined Chevrolet Corvette will take the necessary precautions to avoid a repeat, especially because the potential for injury of worse is clearly there.

It’s all about the weight distribution
It’s no coincidence mid-engines Corvettes are featuring in these terrible tales. The problem is that given the different weight distribution of the car, with more weight towards the back, if the lifting arms are not positioned correctly, the car is not stable. 

The CorvetteBlogger site reports that some owners use various tricks (coloured marks, for example) to indicate to technicians where the lifting arm should be placed when the car is to lifted.

Let's hope this incident is the last of its kind.

The Corvette just beginning to fall off the lift
The Corvette just beginning to fall off the lift | Photo: YouTube/Jason Grubb
The Corvette starts to fall harder off the lift
The Corvette starts to fall harder off the lift | Photo: YouTube/Jason Grubb
The side of the Corvette is impaled by the fork of the lift
The side of the Corvette is impaled by the fork of the lift | Photo: YouTube/Jason Grubb
The back end of the Corvette hits the ground
The back end of the Corvette hits the ground | Photo: YouTube/Jason Grubb
The rear bumper of the Corvette is significantly damaged
The rear bumper of the Corvette is significantly damaged | Photo: YouTube/Jason Grubb
Daniel Rufiange
Daniel Rufiange
Automotive expert
  • Over 17 years' experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 75 test drives in the past year
  • Participation in over 250 new vehicle launches in the presence of the brand's technical specialists